Sunday October 6th, 2019
So much rain! Unfortunately it looks like the trails are going to need to be closed during Woolly Day. It is hard to celebrate the trails by riding them and damaging them.
BUT LETS STILL CELEBRATE. What I love about the trails is the people it brings together. So even if we can't ride the trails, the weather looks pretty nice tomorrow so let's have a picnic at the trailhead.
Still bring a bike, as the Chisago Lakes Composite Mountain Bike Team is going to set up a skills course at the trailhead for us to have some fun on.
1pm - Gather and get food setup. Woolly is bringing brats and hot dogs and cake. If you brought something to share that would be amazing.
1:30pm - Eat and be merry, test your skills at the trailhead
3:00pm - If people are feeling ambitious, we can go for a ride on the Gandy. Be sure to have a WI State Trail Pass if you are over 16 and plan to ride the Gandy.
Hey folks, save the date for the 7th annual Woolly Day! Every year we gather on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in October and celebrate Woolly. That means trails and the people those trails bring together.
This is for EVERYONE. If you ride Woolly trails, summer or winter, you are invited.
As usual, we will be having some group rides followed by some grilling and cake. Woolly will provide the trails, grillables, and the cake, you bring the bikes, the fun, and anything else you want to eat or drink.
We will begin gathering at 1:00. Bring your bikes, get the tired aired up, say hi to all of your friends.
About 1:30 we will break up into a few groups by ability and speed interested. We will head out for a bit of riding.
Around 3:00 the grill will be serving up some good food and the cake will get cut.