POSTED 4/28/2022 9:30PM
Hey Woolly Land and MN MTB Series Riders!
I'm sure you are all obsessively hitting refresh on the forecast pages, just like us, hoping to see the rain clouds magically disappear and sunshine and 70's show up. And instead are worried about a cancelled race.
Here is the TL;DR version: Woolly and the MN MTB Series are very optimistic that we will be racing on Sunday. It might be damp, and the courses may be slightly modified, but we are going to do everything we can to race.
And if you want the long version:
Woolly and the Series have been getting a number of questions about why May 1st, can we reschedule, will we cancel, etc? We just wanted to lay a few things out there for folks to help you make the best decision possible for yourself and to understand what we are trying to make happen.
Both the Woolly and MN MTB Series are non-profit organizations. For the Woolly, this is our single biggest source of income each year by a HUGE margin. The proceeds from the race are what allow us to build, maintain, and groom the trails that you enjoy year round. So us having an event is hugely important.
It is also a huge production for a handful of dedicated volunteers and a small army of volunteers on race day. There are a bunch of scheduling, permits, timing company, port-o-potties, food vendors, and other expenses that are put in place several months in advance.
For the series, this is just the first of 10 events they help put on over a limited number of weekends during the summer. For those folks it can be many weekends away from home all summer long. Unfortunately someone has to go first and sometimes the weather gets iffy. Sometimes we have been riding hero dirt for a month.
So to wrap up the story, this is a hugely collaborative effort between multiple sets of volunteers and it is not easy to just move it. The Woolly folks who build and maintain the trails are pretty darn confident that even though we normally don't want folks riding wet trails, in exchange for our primary source of income, we would rather pick our most durable trails and hold an event than not.
We are going to keep moving forward and expect we can put on a good race that you can enjoy on Sunday. In the outside chance it becomes an absolute drencher over the course of Saturday and we can't put on a safe race on Sunday we will coordinate with the series to reschedule for later this summer.
So we can't guarantee you 100% there will be a race. And there certainly is the no refund policy. And we will work to reschedule if we can't do it. So consider yourself an informed consumer and bike racer and make your choices as you see fit.
Cheers from the Woolly Crew!