Woolly Fans,
While the trails are overall in great condition, we have a few spots that are notoriously wet and continue to be soft after the rains last weekend. In fact our dirt crew has been doing a bunch of volunteer work in there this past week. We are talking hours of manual labor digging and moving dirt trying to improve the conditions and maintainability of the trail.
We’ve put tape up across the trail and done a minor reroute while we work this out. Specifically we have rerouted around a large portion of the trail in Regal Park and the rock garden. Please, please, please respect the trail tape and stay off the trails when marked. We’ve had a few instances where the tape has been cut and people have ridden anyhow resulting in considerable rework for our dirt crew.
We don’t pay those guys very well. OK, we don’t pay them at all, not even in beer! So having to repeat work isn’t great for their long term sanity.
If you are super anxious to ride sections of trails we highly encourage you to join us for some work days while we improve these trails so that we can get back to riding them more quickly after wet conditions. Find the link on this page for contact and shoot us an email and we’ll get you involved.