Rain, Rain, Go a…a…a…awe, who cares
So the weather forecast started out great, then got sketchy and now it is improving. We don’t really know what is going to happen with rain or no rain and neither does the weather forecasters, but…unless we see Noah cruising past in his Ark, we will be racing on Sunday. Our trails are very dry right now, so some rain Friday PM and Saturday really shouldn’t cause any problems, but might improve overall trail conditions from dry to tacky. A couple years ago, it POURED during the Sport and Marathon Class race. It was miserable while the rain was falling, but once it stopped and the diehard racers continued their laps, the course recovered quickly. During the Elite/Comp race, there was virtually no mud to be found on the trails, bikes or riders and most considered it hero dirt in the woods.
Our one concern is on Saturday, when the rain is more likely to be falling. If it is raining, trails will be closed until the rain stops. Again, no pre-riding, if rain is falling. Trails should soak everything up quickly, but riding while it is raining can do damage to the trail surface. Please respect this and no riding while the rain is falling. Thank you!
This will also affect the Woolly Wander. Our scavenger hunt is about ½ on trails and ½ visiting sponsors and landmarks around town (did I mention cash prizes?). If it is raining during the Wander, we will increase the check points around town to replace the check points that we can’t reach on the trails. Either way, the show will go on. The people that took part in the Woolly Wander last year had a great time and enjoyed the chase as much as the chance to win cash. This events helps expose people to some of the cool businesses and highlights of the town, but it also shows locals that bike trails bring people to town. It really is a win-win. If you are looking for some fun on Saturday from 10 -2, please head to the trailhead and check out the Woolly Wander. It is designed for adults or kids, individuals or groups, no matter how you approach it, you won’t be disappointed.
Again, we aren’t concerned about racing on Sunday because the show will go on and forecast look great for racing. Overcast and not too hot with rain not likely until late in the day. If you can, plan to get up here for a pre-ride Thursday or Friday when weather looks ideal. If you are in-town on Saturday, just use good judgment before you ride, so everything goes perfect on Sunday.
Woolly Weekend is almost here. See everyone soon!!